

全文字数:19000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



软文泛滥,成为受众在信息获取中的一大阻碍,而且软文真假难辨,也破坏了媒体的公信力。从 1985 年开始,关于“不得以新闻形式刊播发表广告”等相关政策法律相继出台,软文开始进入监管层的视野。至 2014年为止,关于软文的监管已经过去了三十年,软文是否已经销声匿迹?本文借此机会对比选取《广州日报》、《南方都市报》两份报纸,深入了解软文目前的发展状况,以及对比总结软文在党报和都市报中的异同之处,并分析其危害及探讨解决对策。


Research on advertorial——to the "Guangzhou Daily" and "Southern Metropolis Daily" as an example


    With the continuous development of society, news media has become the indispensable tool for the public to reach information in daily life. However, all kinds of advertisements or even propagandas are annoying and appeared to be everywhere. Especially for current years,  these advertisements have been being updated. Their contents or purposes are being less straightforward, but being modified by a "coat" as form of news text, which is to increase the readability and attraction. It makes the reader be influenced deeply but without knowing this.
    The advertorial spread, the audience to become a big obstacle in the information retrieval, and soft false ones, also undermines the credibility of the media. From the beginning of 1985, on "shall not be published in the form of news broadcast advertising" and other related policies and laws have been introduced, the advertorial start into the vision of regulators. Until 2014, the advertorial regulation has in the past thirty years, the advertorial have disappear from the scene? This article take the opportunity to compare and select the "Guangzhou daily", "Southern Metropolis Daily" two newspapers, in-depth understanding of current development situation of soft, and the contrast of soft Wen in the party newspaper and the newspaper in the similarities and differences, and to analyze its harm and explore solutions.

Key words:Advertisements;Guangzhou Daily;Southern Metropolis Daily;Damage;Countermeasure

