

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



中国改革开放是从1978年开始,从那以后我国和其他国家在贸易上面的来往更加频繁,而且我国的经济实力也快速加强。全国城镇和农村居民的人均可支配经济收入在日益增加,人们的消费水平也在不断提高,大家变得越来越有时间、有精力也更有能力来在旅行中享受乐趣。这些年以来,我国的旅行类服务贸易的整体规模保持一个持续稳定的增长,旅行服务贸易日益增大的贸易逆差不得不引起我们的重视。本文试图对我国旅行类服务包括出国旅行、出国留学和境外医疗等进行研究,分析中国旅行类服务的进口情况。纵观我国旅行类服务整个发展历程,其在2009年初次呈现出了出口小于进口的赤字情况,差额有40亿美元,而后在2015年又增加到了1781亿之多,我们2016整年的旅行服务贸易赤字高达2399亿美元,占到同一时间我国整个服务贸易逆差的92.2% 。本文内容一共有五个部分,第一是课题的国内研究现状即文献综述;第二部分讨我国旅行类服务进口总量变动,主要包括总量变动的总体情况以及分析变动背后的原因;第三部分是分析我国旅行类服务进口的结构变动,研究结构变动的具体情况和变动的主要原因;第四是浅析我们国家的旅行类服务进口的发展前景;第五部分给出结论。

关键词: 旅行类服务;服务贸易;旅行

An Analysis of the Import of Travel Service in China
Abstract: China's reform and opening up is from 1978 onwards, since then our country and other countries in the trade above the more frequent, and our economic strength has also been rapidly strengthened . The national urban and rural residents per capita disposable economic income is increasing, People's consumption level is also rising, we become more and more time, have the energy and ability to enjoy the fun in the trip. Over the years, the overall size of our country's travel services trade in maintaining a sustained stability . This paper attempts to study China's travel services, including travel abroad, study abroad and overseas medical research, and analyze the import of China's travel services. Throughout the development of China's travel services, the first time in 2009 showed a deficit less than the import of imports, the difference of $ 4 billion, and then in 2015 and increased to 178.1 billion as much as our 2016 full year travel service The trade deficit is as high as $ 239.9 billion, accounting for 92.2% of the country's total trade deficit at the same time . The second part discusses the change of the total imports of travel services in China, including the general situation of the total amount of change and the reasons behind the analysis of the changes; the third is the analysis of the changes in the total amount of tourism services in China, Part is the analysis of China's tourism services import structure changes, the study of structural changes in the specific circumstances and changes in the main reasons; the fourth is to analyze China's tourism services trade development prospects; the fifth part of the conclusion.

Keywords: Travel services; Trade in services; Travel


