

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



本课题主要介绍了聚乳酸纤维/棉纤维混纺纱线的基本性能。对聚乳酸纤维和棉纤维以不同混纺比混纺的纱线的基本性能进行了试验测试,其中纱线的混纺比为p/C 30/70、p/C 40/60、p/C 60/40、p/C 70/30、p/C 90/10以及聚乳酸纤维纯纺纱和棉纤维纯纺纱。本课题所做的主要是聚乳酸纤维和棉纤维纯纺纱以及混纺纱的拉伸、热处理、耐磨、毛羽等性能。实验所获得的指标有一个强力拉伸曲线、断裂强度、毛羽指数、断裂功、初始模量、摩擦系数和断裂伸长率等。本课题还做了聚乳酸纤维的断裂强伸性能进实验,通过不同混纺比的聚乳酸纤维/棉纤维的混纺纱来确定最佳混纺比。经过实验测得,聚乳酸纤维强伸性能较棉纤维略低,聚乳酸纤维和棉纤维的混纺比为60/40和90/10时,其混纺纱的力学性能较好。

关键词  聚乳酸纤维  强伸性能  混纺比  拉伸曲线
The Analysis Of Performance Of PLA Blended Yarn

The main subject of the basic performance of the polylactic acid fiber / cotton fiber blended yarn. Conducted a pilot test of the basic properties of polylactic acid fiber and cotton fiber a different blend than the blended yarn, which yarn blended ratio of p / C 30/70, p / C 40/60, p / C 60/40 p / C 70/30, p / C 90/10, and polylactic acid fiber pure to the pure spinning and cotton fiber spinning. This topic made the polylactic acid fibers and pure cotton fiber yarn and blended yarn tension, the performance of the heat, wear and hairiness. The indicators obtained by the experiment with strong tensile curve, breaking strength, hairiness index, the work of rupture, initial modulus, coefficient of friction and fracture elongation. This topic polylactic acid fiber fracture tensile properties into the experiment, through different blend ratio of polylactic acid fiber / cotton fiber blended yarn to determine the best blend ratio.Experimentally measured, polylactic acid fiber tensile properties than the cotton fiber is slightly lower, polylactic acid fiber and cotton fiber blend ratio of 60/40 90/10, good mechanical properties of the blended yarn
KEYWORDS  polylactic acid fiber, tensile properties, blend ratio ,tensile curve

