

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Proverbs are the essence of language and the crystallization of human wisdom. It is one kind of Sayings and a concise speech form spreading in the community, most of which reflect the practical experience of the life of the working people, and are generally passed down orally. English proverbs generally refer to a brief but dissuasive words popularizing in English-speaking countries, it has a very long history including not only politics, society, geography, but also including many aspects of the national customs, history, etc., which is key to help us to understand the English-speaking countries deeply. English proverbs not only contain many philosophical theories, but also is regarded as the jewelry house of the language and rhetorical art. They use brief forms to express rich contents, and language is lively and rich. English proverbs extensively use rhetorical methods to make them concise and vivid, resulting in a strong artistic and appealing feelings. The use of English proverb rhetoric include: simile, metaphor, consonance, hyperbole , synecdoche and so on, they are easy to understand and rhythms are harmonious. Therefore, by studying rhetorical devices in English proverbs, we are able to understand and learn how the English ethnic people to express their perspectives and skills and their methods of describing things, so that we can better grasp the English language features, and improve the ability to use language more deeply.
This article takes different aspects of phonetics, semantics and syntax to analyze the use characteristics of the rhetoric in proverbs, and it reveals the outstanding achievement of the English proverb in the aspects of thought, intelligence, language and art.

Key words: English proverbs; rhetoric methods; characteristics;   the  significance;


谚语是语言中的精华,人类智慧的结晶。它是熟语的一种,是流传于民间的比较简练而且言简意赅的言语形式。多数反映了劳动人民的生活实践经验,而且一般都是经过口头传下来的。英语谚语一般是指英语国家民间流行的简短而又含有劝诫意义的话,它有很长的历史,内容不仅包括政治、社会、地理还包括国家习俗、历史等许多方面,是帮助我们深入了解英语国家的宝贵钥匙。英语谚语不仅含有许多哲学理论,而且还被认为是语言和修辞艺术的珠宝屋。英语谚语是英语语言文学的瑰宝, 是英语民族集体智慧的结晶。它们以最简短的形式表达最丰富的内容, 语言生动活泼、富有生活气息。英语谚语大量使用修辞格, 使之精练简洁、形象鲜明、韵律优美, 从而产生强烈的艺术和感染力。英语谚语使用的修辞格主要有: 明喻、暗喻、对比、夸张、提喻等方法,它因用词简单易于理解,韵律和谐易于背诵,描述生动易于把握而流传于世。因此,通过研究英语谚语中的修辞手法,我们能够了解并学习英语民族人们表达观点及描述事物的技巧和方法,从而更好地掌握英语的语言特点,更深刻地提高语言运用能力。



