

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



The performance characteristics of Shandong Kuaishu --- to "Wu Song" as an example
Abstract: Shandong clapper ballad is a rap, folk art, is a state-level intangible cultural heritage, Shandong clapper ballad is convenient and flexible, easy to play easy to compile the characteristics and performance style exaggerated image, language, easy to understand, board characteristics with distinct. Shandong Dagu is a strong national character of the performing arts, language features is particularly prominent. Before the Shandong clapper ballad in traditional content, and modern people's life have a generation gap should now be innovation in the form of performance, more with our contemporary life situation, realism, and people's living desire, and expose the social contradictions and problems, only more close to life, Shandong clapper ballad for the arts will glow more vitality. The to "Wu Chuan", for example in terms of language style, rhythm, board, skill skills to analyze Shandong clapper ballad performance characteristics, shapes and characteristics of the specific analysis of the performance of the character's appearance characteristics, inner emotional and language expression.
Key words: Shandong clapper ballad;Performance characteristics;Wu song,Logical stress;Language;melody.


