

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



《牡丹亭》是汤显祖在思想成熟阶段所写的经典戏剧作品,在中国文学史和中国戏剧上都有着崇高的地位,曾有“ 《牡丹亭梦》一出,家传户诵,几令《西厢》减价”的盛景。《牡丹亭》中个性鲜明的语言风格以及生动的人物形象,浪漫主义和现实主义交互使用的独特艺术手法都令赏读品味它的人惊叹不已。人们更无法忽视的是汤显祖对歌颂青春,歌颂爱情,歌颂生命这一主题的完美诠释,并且在中国思想史上对人文主义思潮进行了一次有力的标榜。本文就《牡丹亭》中典型的人物形象和戏剧冲突来分析该作品蕴含深厚人文主义的表现及原因,并对其所含人文主义的时代意义略作分析。

关键词:《牡丹亭》 ;汤显祖;人文主义色彩;

"The Peony Pavilion" Humanism

Abstract:"The Peony Pavilion" is written by Tang Xianzu in the mature stage, the classical works of drama, in the history of Chinese literature and Chinese drama have lofty status, had "the Peony Pavilion dream", become a household word, that of the "West" price "spectacular. The distinctive language style "Peony Pavilion" and vivid characters, unique artistic use of romantic and realistic interaction makes read its amazing taste. People can not be ignored is the praise of love to sing, sing the praises of the youth, the perfect interpretation of the theme of life, and in the ideological history of China humanism was a powerful flaunt. This paper is the Peony Pavilion is the typical characters and dramatic conflict to analysis the work contains profound humanistic manifestations and causes of, and the contained the significance of the humanistic slightly for the analysis.

Key words: "Peony Pavilion"; Tang Xianzu; humanism color;

