

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年





The Scholar depicts a large number of images of celebrity at the same time. It is based on those people to describe the so-called hypocrisy by the author Wu Jingzi. People who are not familiar with eight-part essays would like to become famous and gain the power from the official through the reputation.And it is such a psychology that makes the government to lay down new system through the strategy of recommending to attract the genius and gain the reputation of it. They would get what they wanted combing cheating with each other. The author exposes and criticizes hypocrisy from the intense perspective and reflects on it’s internal causes--the coexistence between the eight-part essays system and recommendation system.

Keywords: The Scholar;Wu Jingzi;Celebrated scholar;Gaining the power through the reputation;Gaining the reputation through the power

