

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Bernard Shaw was one of the most outstanding representatives of critical realism literature in Western Europe, and he won the Nobel Prize in 1925. He wrote more than fifty works in his life. His works included the display of different human nature under the humanistic concept, the revelation of the current situation of the times and the reflection of social improvement, with a strong critical spirit. It was acknowledged by foreign scholars that Bernard Shaw was the most important playwright after Shakespeare in terms of the richness and diversity of the ideology and art of dramas, as well as the lasting influence on the development of dramas in Britain and even in Europe and America. Bernard Shaw published Pygmalion in 1912. This play told a story about how the phonetics Professor Higgins, in six months, changed a flower girl into a ladylike noble birth. Pygmalion was adapted into a movie called My Fair Lady in 1964 and won eight Oscars.
Many scholars and critics at home and abroad have published papers on Pygmalion. For example, Zhu Ping's Destined Regret, Thomas Bulfinch's The Age of Fable and Zhang Qian's Comments on the Characters in Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion. However, most of the previous papers have dealt with the feminism in Pygmalion or the characteristic of each character. Based on the existing research on Pygmalion, this paper will focus on the growth of Eliza and the enlightenment to reality. Also, this paper will explore some possible reasons for why Eliza’s self-awareness awakes and how her mind changes in different stages.
This paper has three parts. The first part is a brief introduction to the writer’s life experience, the Greek mythology, and the main classes in this play. And next, a large part of this paper is devoted to the growth of Eliza in three stages called Sowing, Sprouting and Shining. In this part, it mainly introduces the features of Eliza’s changing mind from obeying the orders to having her own opinions and finding her own life. In the end, this paper will discuss the enlightenment to the reality from two aspects, one is the Bernard Shaw’s feminism in his works, and the other one is the independence and self-awareness of women. Bernard Shaw was a feminist, and he respected the female. The female characters in his plays were all had their own thoughts. So in this play, Eliza’s growth and self-awareness awakening also give us and the reality a great enlightenment.

Key words: independence; self-awareness; feminism; growth
摘  要
国内外许多文人、评论家发表过关于《皮格马利翁》的论文。比如朱萍的《注定的遗憾》、Thomas Bulfinch的The Age of Fable以及张瑄的评萧伯纳《卖花女》中的人物形象。但前人的论文主要研究了《皮格马利翁》中的女权主义或者是剧中每个角色的性格特点。所以基于前人的研究,本论文将着重分析女主人公伊莉莎的成长过程和对现实的启示。并且探讨一些关于伊莉莎自我觉醒的原因和每个阶段不同的内心变化。

