
机械设计课程设计辅助系统开发 --基于VB的程序设计和二次开发

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



 在设计过程中,综合运用了诸多处理方法,其中主要包括:1.数据的程序化:1)将数表中的数据或线图拟合成公式,则可用表达式或函数描述的公式,实现设计资料的程序化;2)将数表或线图经离散化后按一维、二维数组存入计算机,然后用查表、 插值等方法检索所需数据;2. 数据库的查询赋值:将数表及线图中的数据按数据库的规定进行文件结构化,存放在数据库中,进一步通过与输入数据的比较,实现查询赋值功能;3.VB调用CAD绘图:调用部分设计数据以及部分手动输入数据,通过VB程序调用CAD进行自动绘图。此外,设计中采用了机械创新设计方法,如寻求课题创新点、揭示实质和形成方案等常用的思考方法。



According to the principle of modularization design, a computer aided system of mechanical course design, which is developed by VB. The major functions of the system include the overall design and the modularization design. Through the overall program design, the allocation of the transmission ratio, the calculation of kinetic parameters and other links, the system can save as a set of exact specifications after design of machinery. In the specifications, the data which are transfer between the overall design and the modularization design are export as files in accordance with some certain format. Not only did the modularization design accomplish the calculation of the design of gears, transmission parts, shaft parts and box by itself, but also it can be helpful to the teaching of design of machinery and curriculum design.
 In the process of design, we use a number of scientific methods which include programmed data, database query and the secondary development of VB to paint in AutoCAD. The method of programmed data is divided into two parts. The first part of programmed data is to be synthesized the number of table data or line graph to the formula or expression which can use in the programming of design information. The second part of programmed data put data into computer in accordance with one-dimensional or two-dimensional array after the discretization of the number of table or graph, and then we use the look-up table, interpolation and other methods to retrieve data. In database query ,it make queries to database through in accordance with the provisions of the database after setup file structure. The secondary development of VB is meant that it is used to call up data which are stored in a computer to make the automatic painting. Besides,we use innovative methods to optimize design, such as to find the point of innovation, to reveal the substance of the research, to define the scheme and other methods.
Therefore, the application of this system will be of great practical value to us. Meanwhile,The design ideas, processing methods and means of accomplishment in the process of development,which is extremely important in the promotion of the value.

Keywords: Mechanical course design, Development of computer-aided system, Fitting formula, Database query, The secondary development of VB

