
论析中西饮食文化差异Analysis on The Differences of Chinese a

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


论析中西饮食文化差异Analysis on The Differences of Chinese and Western Food Culture


关 键 词:中国饮食文化,西方饮食文化,影响,发展状况
Diet culture is people’s creation and achievement in diet. Anything relating to the idea, consciousness, concept, philosophy, religion, and art of diet are included in diet culture. Due to the different development experience, geographical positions, environment and customs, Chinese and western diet culture have their own features. They have great differences in the aspects of diet concepts, diet etiquettes and payment methods. As the international communion is intensified, the intercommunication of Chinese and western diet culture becomes more frequent. They greatly influence on each other and develop together. In this thesis we will mainly delve into the differences of Chinese and western diet culture for promoting Chinese and western culture intercourse.

Key words: Chinese food culture, western food culture, mutual influence, development

