

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


用SWOT分析法探究国内口译资格认证随着中国对外开放程度不断提高,市场上对高级口译员的需求日益旺盛,国内口译员水平参差不齐,口译资格认证作为评判译者能力的重要指标值得一探。本文运用企业环境分析方法SWOT探讨国内口译资格认证的现状,以全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试(CATTI)、上海外语资格证书考试(SIA)为例,详细分析 CATTI 二级和高口真题,并介绍澳大利亚国家翻译人员资格认证考试(NAATI)操作流程,通过两者对比,并结合中国现实情况,得出中国口译资格认证的内外部环境状况,进而针对市场需求与人才欠缺的窘境提出建议。本次研究表明:国内口译资格认证具有一定的发展优势和发展机遇,但由于起步较晚,存在着诸多不规范的劣势,还面临着一定的威胁和风险。文章针对各项因素提出的建议对国内口译资格认证的规范化具有一定的建设性意义。同时,本研究运用管理决策方法探讨语言相关主题,是跨学科研究的一次大胆尝试。
The Application of SWOT Analysis
in China’s Interpretation Accreditation
Since China’s opening up, especially its entry into WTO, domestic market suffers from an urgent demand of qualified interpreters. Quite embarrassing is that interpreters with credentials sometimes fail extemporary interpretation. As one of the benchmarks weighing interpreter’s proficiency, domestic interpretation accreditation deserves exploration. Responsive to this dilemma, the thesis applies SWOT analysis, a commonly used management tool, to domestic interpretation accreditation. CATTI and SIA, two authoritative accreditation tests in China, are compared and contrasted with the Australian counterpart NAATI so as to figure out internal and external environments of domestic accreditation. Meanwhile, Chinese peculiar conditions obtain due consideration to create an accreditation with Chinese characteristics. Strategies are specified to each factor identified. The study unveils that domestic accreditation is endowed with inherent strengths and impressive opportunities but also confronted with internal weaknesses and external threats. Proposals specified for each factor are of constructive significance to regularize domestic interpretation accreditation. Moreover the integration of a decision-making tool into a language-oriented research is a bold interdisciplinary attempt.
Key words: domestic interpretation accreditation; comparison and contrast;                                SWOT; interdisciplinary

