
金融英语论文:新股发行定价的理论分析IPO Pricing Theory Analysis

全文字数:8500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


新股发行定价的理论分析IPO Pricing Theory Analysis


关键词:IPO定价, 抑价, 影响因素, 市场化
目     录
摘      要 3
1.IPO Pricing Theory 4
1.1 What Is “Affordable Issue” 4
1.2 The importance of reasonable IPO pricing 5
1.3 The Current problem for IPO Pricing 6
2. IPO pricing models and the application of analysis 7
2.1 Summary of Existing IPO Pricing Models 7
2.1.1 Earnings discount model 7
2.1.2 Analog valuation model 8
2.1.3 Economic value-added model (EVA) 9
2.2 Defects of IPO Pricing model and the Applicability of China 9
2.2.1 Lack of model variables and difficult to determine 9
2.2.2 Requirement Insufficiency of pricing model 10
2.2.3 Accounting Data to Reflect the Deviation Information 11
2.3 The Development of IPO Pricing Mechanisms in China 11
3. The Factors to Cause Unreasonable IPO Pricing 13
3.1 Internal factors 13
3.2 External factors 14
4. Phenomenon of underpricing 15
4.1 Causes of Underpricing 15
4.2 Comparison of underpricing phenomenon between China and other countries 16
4.3 The Bad Effects of the High Underpricing In China 18
5. IPO Pricing Outlook and Relevant Suggestions 22
5.1 The Trend of IPO Pricing 22
5.2 Suggestion to improve the Pricing of IPO 23
Reference List 26

