
基于Java Web的幼儿托班预约系统设计

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


基于Java Web的幼儿托班预约系统设计

在北上广等一线城市,优质的幼儿托班已经炙手可热,为了简化预约流程、结合当今先进的互联网技术开发幼儿托班预约系统。幼儿托班预约系统利用了MyEclipse开发平台和MySQL数据库,并运用了Java Web技术设计了一款基于JSP和servlet的幼儿托班预约系统。主要实现了注册登录、选择托班、选择育儿师、预约时间、评价、反馈、用户个人信息等功能。经测试,幼儿托班预约系统在很大程度上简化了流程,提高了预约效率,为家长托管孩子提供了便捷,具备了一定的实用性。


The design and implementation of preschool daycare
reservation system based on Java Web

Abstract: In first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and guangzhou, high-quality child care classes have been in hot demand. In order to simplify the reservation process and combine with today's advanced Internet technology, the child care class reservation system is developed. The preschool daycare reservation system USES MyEclipse development platform and MySQL database, and USES Java Web technology to design a preschool daycare reservation system based on JSP and servlet. It mainly realizes the functions of registration and login, selection of day care, selection of childcare providers, appointment time, evaluation, feedback, user's personal information and so on. Through the test, the child care class appointment system to a large extent simplifies the process, improves the appointment efficiency, provides convenient for parents to take care of children, with a certain degree of practicality.
Keywords: JaveWeb;jsp;Shift reservation system


