

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


试论苏轼的人格魅力及其对海南的影响 苏东坡是中国文学史上不可多得的人才,他的一生传奇而又曲折。用世界上不可无一却又很难有二来评价苏东坡再合适不过。他的文学创作中包含着很多深刻独到的见解,仔细斟酌其中的文学思想,不仅可以加深我们对作品的理解,还可以感受到东坡独特的人格魅力。作为一名海南学子,则对东坡先生有着更为特殊的情感,深知东坡先生对海南作出的卓越贡献,以及带给我们的巨大影响。直至今日,仍然对海南有着特殊的价值和重大教育意义,东坡的这种人格魅力将永远散发着专属于他自己的耀眼光芒,它的影响力会一直伴随我们走向未来。 关键词:苏轼;人生;人格魅力;对琼影响 On Su Shi's personality charm and its influence on hainan ABSTRACT Su Dongpo is a rare talent in the history of Chinese literature. It's very suitable to evaluate Su Dongpo with the indispensable but difficult two in the world. His literary creation contains a lot of profound and original views. Careful consideration of his literary thoughts can not only deepen our understanding of the works, but also feel Dongpo's unique personality charm. As a student in Hainan, he has more special feelings for Mr. Dongpo. He is well aware of his outstanding contribution to Hainan and the great influence he has brought to us. Up to now, it still has special value and great educational significance for Hainan. Dongpo's personality charm will always radiate his own dazzling light, and its influence will always accompany us to the future. Keywords:Sushi; life; personality charm ;Influence on Qiong 目录 一、 引言 4 二、苏轼的生平经历 4 (一)年轻有为,少年志大 4 (二)风雨经历造就传奇一生 5 三、苏轼的人格魅力 6 (一)率性而为,赤诚的感情 6 (二)豁达豪迈洒脱超然的性格 7 (三)德厚流光,高风亮节的人品 9 四、苏轼谪居海南后的影响 9 (一)一片丹心耀南疆 9 (二)对海南文化、教育等方面的影响 10 五、苏轼人格魅力的本质 11 六、结语 12 参考文献 13

