

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


鲍照《拟行路难》在明代的接受研究 鲍照作为“元嘉三大家”之一,《拟行路难》组诗是他的经典代表作,明代学者对其评点很多。本篇论文以追溯明前学者对《拟行路难》的接受为起点,通过分析《拟行路难》在明代接受的文学背景,借助明代诗歌理论著作对《拟行路难》的评点以及明代诗人对《拟行路难》的摹拟,探索出明代学者对《拟行路难》接受的特点和意义,从而向读者展示出鲍照《拟行路难》在明代的接受情况。 关键词:鲍照;《拟行路难》;明代;接受情况 A study on the reception of Bao Zhao 's "imitating the road" in the Ming Dynasty ABSTRACT As one of the "Three Masters of Yuan and Jia Dynasties", Bao Zhao's works have exerted a great influence on later generations. BaoZhao poetry poet historically, research scholars, most of them from BaoZhao above the content, form, or style of the poetry to study too much, some scholars have also committed to investigate BaoZhao poetry history, but few people can from a specific poems, between a particular historical period to study specific poems. As a classic masterpiece of Bao Zhao, many scholars have commented on it. Therefore, this paper, based on the 18 poem sets of Bao Zhao's poem, mainly analyzes the reception of Bao Zhao's poem in the Ming Dynasty through the comments of scholars in the Ming Dynasty. Keywords: Bao Zhao; "It is difficult to simulate the road"; the acceptance of the Ming Dynasty 目 录 一、引言 1 (一)选题背景 1 (二)研究意义 1 (三)鲍照《拟行路难》在明前的接受概况 1 二、明代接受《拟行路难》的文化背景 3 (一)诗歌理论批评著作的兴起 3 (二)复古诗风的热潮 3 (三)六朝文风的兴盛 4 (四)文化政策的钳制 4 三、明代对《拟行路难》的评点 4 (一)明代选本对《拟行路难》的评点 4 1.《古诗归》对《拟行路难》的评点 5 2.《古诗镜》对《拟行路难》的评点 5 3.《古诗评选》对《拟行路难》的评点 6 (二)明代诗话对《拟行路难》的评点 6 四、明代诗人对鲍照诗歌的接受 7 (一)在创作中效鲍明远体 7 (二)在创作中仿《拟行路难》 8 五、《拟行路难》在明代接受的特点与意义 8 (一)明代接受《拟行路难》的特点 8 1.肯定了《拟行路难》开创之功 9 2.体现了明代学者的诗学观念 10 3.印证了唐宋诗人对《拟行路难》的接受 10 (二)明代接受《拟行路难》的意义 10 1.实现了《拟行路难》在明代的经典化 10 2.奠定了《拟行路难》在清代传播的文学基础 11 3.提供了清代对鲍照文坛地位评判的文学依据 11 4.加深了后代学者对《拟行路难》文学价值的认识 11 六、结语 12

