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城乡居民医疗保健消费影响因素差异分析医疗保健需求作为人们的基本需求,是民生的一个重要问题,但我国城乡居民医疗保健消费影响因素差异鲜有研究。本文整理2001年-2019年我国城镇与农村地区各自的少儿抚养比、老年抚养比、人均可支配收入、医疗保健消费价格指数以及受教育水平共5个变量的相关数据,构建多元回归模型,研究得出:(1)人均可支配收入对农村居民医疗保健消费支出的影响更大;(2)人口老龄化程度对城镇居民医疗保健消费支出的影响更大;(3)医疗保健价格的变动并不会对城镇居民医疗保健消费产生显著影响,但是对农村地区来说,该影响依旧显著。本文的结论可以丰富医疗保健消费影响因素的相关研究。 关键词:医疗保健消费;城乡差异;计量经济学 Analysis on the Differences of Influencing Factors of Urban and Rural Residents' Health Consumption ABSTRACT As the basic needs of people, medical care demand is an important issue of people's livelihood. However, there are few researches on the differences in the factors affecting medical care consumption of urban and rural residents in my country. This paper sorts out the relevant data of five variables in China’s urban and rural areas from 2001 to 2019, namely, the child dependency ratio, the old-age dependency ratio, the disposable income per capita, the health care consumer price index, and the level of education, and constructs a multiple regression model to study It is concluded that: (1) the per capita disposable income has a greater impact on rural residents’ health care consumption expenditure; (2) the degree of population aging has a greater impact on urban residents’ health care consumption expenditure; (3) changes in health care prices It will not have a significant impact on urban residents' health care consumption, but for rural areas, the impact is still significant. The conclusions of this article can enrich the relevant research on the factors affecting health care consumption. Keywords:Healthcare consumption; urban-rural differences; Econometrics 目 录 一、绪论 1 (一)选题背景和研究意义 1 (二)文献综述 2 二、影响居民医疗保健消费的因素 3 (一)收入 3 (二)人口年龄结构 3 (三)医疗保健消费价格 4 (四)受教育水平 4 三、实证分析 4 (一)变量选取与数据来源 4 (二)模型形式 6 (三)单位根检验 6 (四)协整检验 7 (五)回归模型的建立 8 (六)计量经济学检验 8 (七)模型确定 10 (八)结果分析 11 四、结论与建议 11 (一)结论 11 (二)建议 12 附 录 14 参考文献 18

