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全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


基于主成分分析的山东省各市土地生态情况评析 可持续发展是当下区域生态环境发展的重要话题,土地生态情况是区域可持续发展的关键因素之一。本文从山东省选取9个城市,根据各城市相关生态数据信息及统计年鉴,结合区域实际的土地生态情况,选取了8项富有代表性的指标,使用SPSS软件进行主成分分析,对于主成分分析的结果进行说明和讨论,并建立土地生态评价体系。主成分分析后的综合得分结果显示:在本文选取的9个山东省的城市中,土地生态安全稳定性由强至弱依次是威海市,青岛市,淄博市,潍坊市,烟台市,济南市,临沂市,菏泽市,枣庄市。本文最后,对所有城市进行了具体的土地生态情况分析并根据综合得分的结果与实际情况提出发展建议。 Evaluation of land ecology in Shandong Province Based on principal component analysis ABSTRACT Sustainable development is an important topic of current regional ecological environment development, and land ecological situation is one of the key factors of regional sustainable development. This paper selects 9 cities from Shandong Province, according to the relevant ecological data and statistical yearbook of each city, combined with the actual land ecological situation of the region, selects 8 representative indicators, uses SPSS software for principal component analysis, explains and discusses the results of principal component analysis, and establishes the land ecological evaluation system. The comprehensive score of principal component analysis shows that: in the nine cities of Shandong Province selected in this paper, the order of land ecological security stability from strong to weak is Weihai City, Qingdao City, Zibo City, Weifang City, Yantai City, Jinan City, Linyi City, Heze City, Zaozhuang City. Finally, the specific land ecological situation of each city is analyzed, and the development suggestions are put forward according to the results of comprehensive score and the actual situation. Keywords:Principal component analysis;land ecology;data dimension reduction;evaluation index 目 录 一、引言 1 二、主成分分析基本介绍 1 (一)主成分分析基本原理 1 (二)主成分分析思想简介 1 1.标准化处理 1 2.计算标准化样本的协方差矩阵R 1 3.计算R的特征值和特征值向量 1 4.计算主成分贡献率及累计贡献率 2 5.写出主成分并根据系数分析主成分代表的意义 2 三、数据整理与解读 2 (一)数据来源可视化 2 (二)数据基本解读 5 四、主成分分析 5 (一)主成分的选择 5 (二)因子分析 8 五、土地生态情况评价 9 (一)土地生态安全评价综合得分 9 (二)研究结论 11 六、建议与总结 12 (一)提出建议 12 (二)研究总结 13

