2020年4月20日,国家提出要振兴基建投资,释放“三驾马车”新动能,中铁十二局建安公司作为我国建筑行业的支柱企业,在国家“保就业、稳增长”的目标实现过程中发挥了举足轻重的作用。本文结合我国建筑施工行业的具体情况,利用范霍恩的稳定增长模型,将利益保障和稳定增长紧密结合在一起,形成了EVA / SGR矩阵,对目标公司中铁十二局进行了有目的的分析,进而提出改进建议,旨在为我国建筑施工行业的融资策略选择提供一种新的思路。
关键词:可持续增长;融资策略;EVA/SGR 矩阵
The company's operation is to better improve and create a giant quantity of profits sustained increase represents the sustained increase of company cost evaluation lookup enterprise financing countermeasures, in order to acquire the maximum monetary advantages of financing, is an essential phase of a collection of issues in the company's economic management, the company's monetary too speedy will lead to the risk of capital scarcity The technique of sustainable boom is normally mirrored in the steady boom of company finance. These three elements are closely related to the consistent growth of fairness protection multiple monetary and the financing method of the company.
On April 20, 2020, the state proposed to revitalize infrastructure investment and release the new kinetic electricity of the "three carriages". As a pillar corporation in China's development industry, China Railway twelfth Bureau development and installation business enterprise has played an vital role in the recognition of the countrywide aim of "ensuring employment and regular growth". In this paper, combined with the particular state of affairs of China's building industry, using Van Horne's secure growth model, the hobbies protection and secure growth are intently combined to shape the EVA / SGR matrix. The target organisation of China Railway 12th Bureau is analyzed purposefully, and then the improvement pointers are put forward, It goals to supply a new notion for the financing method resolution of China's construction industry.
Keywords: Sustainable growth; Financing strategies; EVA/SGR matrix
引言 1
一、相关理论基础 1
(一)融资方式 1
(二)融资策略 1
(三)融资策略选择理论基础 2
(四)EVA/SGR矩阵与融资策略 2
1.经济增加值与可持续增长率的结合——EVA/SGR矩阵 2
2.EVA/SGR矩阵各象限融资策略选择 3
二、中铁十二局介绍及融资现状分析 4
(一)中铁十二局简介 4
(二)中铁十二局融资现状分析 4
1.债权融资分析 4
2.内源融资分析 5
三、中铁十二局融资策略选择的二维矩模型构建及分析 6
(一)二维矩阵融资策略选择模型构建思路 6
(二)中铁十二局二维矩阵融资策略选择模型构建 6
1.基于经济增加值的分析 6
2.中铁SGR指标计算 8
3.中铁十二局融资策略二维矩阵的建立 13
(三)中铁十二局二维矩阵融资策略选择分析 13
四、结论及启示 14
(一)中铁十二局二维矩阵应用分析的研究结论 14
1.内源融资利用较充分 14
2.应关注资金链风险 14
3.适当增长长期负债 15
4.应适当利用股权融资 15
5.应充分利用闲置资金 15
(二)启示 15
1.融资对策的选择应当符合公司的长远发展趋势 15
2.融资策略的选择应符合企业各环节发展趋势的特点 16
3.应根据自身的经营特点和融资特点,有效地选择分析融资对策的方法 16
结束语 16
参考文献 19