

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年






The information age promotes the emergence of new media. People no longer rely on traditional media to obtain information. The integration of all media also makes the generation and dissemination of false news grow geometrically. With the development of society, the ways of news and information dissemination present a diversified development trend. The emergence of new media makes people not only become news communicators, but also news producers. The essence of false news is to report through the news media, but there is no authority identification, or there is no real reflection of the real situation. This paper explores the essence of false news and further analyzes the harm of false news. False news will not only infringe the rights and interests of the parties, damage the credibility of the media, but also cause social instability, Based on the analysis of the causes and hazards, the paper concludes that in order to deal with the false news, we should stick to the journalistic professionalism, strengthen the control function of the mainstream media and users, and finally strengthen the journalistic discipline and legal management.
Key words: news information; Traditional media; Fake news; Measures

目 录

引言 1
一、虚假新闻的表现和危害 1
(一)社会媒体中虚假新闻的表现 1
1.新闻观念倾向错误 1
2.内容失实 1
3.改头换面,要素乱贴 2
(二)虚假新闻的危害 2
1.侵犯当事人的权益 2
2.损害媒体公信力 3
3.虚假新闻引发社会不稳定 3
二、虚假新闻产生的原因和本质 3
(一)虚假新闻产生的原因 3
1.追求利益最大化 3
2.媒体职业道德的缺失 4
3.跨文化传播的冲击 5
(二)虚假新闻的本质 6
三、虚假新闻的防范措施 7
(一) 坚守新闻专业主义 8
(二) 强化把关功能 9
1.主流媒体把关功能缺位 9
2.用户发布信息缺乏核实 9
(三)强化新闻纪律,加强法制管理 9
结语 11
参考文献 13

