

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


可食性马铃薯变性淀粉涂膜对鲜切苹果货架期内品质的影响 为研究马铃薯变性淀粉涂膜对鲜切苹果贮藏品质的影响,将鲜切苹果分别用质量分数1.0%、2.0%、3.0%的马铃薯变性淀粉溶液浸泡涂膜5 min后沥干,用PET保鲜盒包装后置于4 ℃贮藏,测定贮藏过程中鲜切苹果的生理生化指标。结果表明:采用马铃薯变性淀粉涂膜处理鲜切苹果的最佳质量分数为2%,可以很好的保持鲜切苹果的品质。经质量分数为2%的马铃薯变性淀粉涂膜处理鲜切苹果后,其色泽口感更佳,到第5d,质量损失率变化0.15%,硬度仅下降0.6 (105 Pa),Vc含量保持较好,较初始下降了0.9 (10-2 mg/g),有效的延缓了营养物质的降低,而色差值较空白变化32.7%,且对多酚氧化酶活性的抑制率达到了21%,过氧化物酶活性也较空白提升了15%,有效的抑制多酚氧化酶活性,提高过氧化物酶的活性。因此,马铃薯变性淀粉涂膜可延缓鲜切苹果的品质变劣,有效延长鲜切苹果的货架期。 关键词:马铃薯变性淀粉涂膜;鲜切苹果;货架期;感官品质   Abstract In order to study the effect of potato denatured starch coating on freshly cut apple storage quality, freshly cut apples were soaked in the coating film 5 min with quality fractions of 1.0%, 2.0%, 3.0% potato denatured starch solution, and placed in a 4 oC storage after packing with PET preservation box to determine the physiological and biochemical index of fresh cut apples in the storage process. The results showed that the optimal quality score of freshly sliced apples treated with potato denatured starch coating was 2%, which was good to maintain the quality of freshly cut apples. After the potato denatured starch coating with a quality score of 2%, the color taste was better, and by the 5d, the quality loss rate changed by 0.15%, the hardness decreased by only 0.6 (105 Pa), and the Vc content remained better, down 0.9 from the initial (10-2 mg/g), effectively delayed the reduction of nutrients, and the color difference changed by 32.7% compared to the blank, and the inhibition rate of polyphenol oxidase activity reached 21%, peroxidase activity was also increased by 15% compared to the blank, effectively inhibited polyphenol oxidase activity, improve the activity of peroxidase. As a result, potato denatured starch coating can slow down the quality of freshly cut apples, effectively prolonging the shelf life of freshly cut apples. Keywords: potato denatured starch coating; freshly sliced apples; shelf life; sensory quality 目 录 1前 言 1 1.1课题的来源及意义 1 1.2国内外发展状况及背景 1 1.3研究目标和内容 3 2实验方法与材料 3 2.1实验主要仪器与材料 3 2.1.1主要仪器 3 2.1.2主要材料 3 2.2实验方法 4 2.2.1马铃薯变性涂膜材料的配置 4 2.2.2鲜切苹果涂膜处理 4 2.2.3测定指标和方法 4感官评价 4失重率的测定 4硬度的测定 5 Vc含量的测定 5 PPO活性测定 5褐变度的测定 5色差值测定 5 POD活性测定 6 2.3数据处理 6 3试验结果与分析 6 3.1不同涂膜浓度对鲜切苹果感官评价的影响 6 3.2不同浓度涂膜对鲜切苹果失重率的影响 7 3.3不同浓度涂膜对鲜切苹果硬度的影响 8 3.4不同浓度涂膜对鲜切苹果VC含量的影响 9 3.5不同浓度涂膜对鲜切苹果PPO活性的影响 9 3.6不同涂膜浓度对鲜切苹果褐变度的影响 10 3.7不同涂膜浓度对鲜切苹果色差的影响 11 3.8不同涂膜浓度对鲜切苹果POD活性的影响 12 4结论 13 5展望 13 参考文献 15

