
性格确定命运- 论鲁滨逊克鲁索的性格与命运

全文字数:5000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


性格确定命运- 论鲁滨逊克鲁索的性格与命运Character Determining the Fate——On Robinson Crusoe's Character And Fatee In the history of British literature, Robinson Crusoe has been one legendary character. He leaves home since he is young, taking several sailing journeys, meeting with mishaps for times, running sugar cane plantation at Brazil, rescuing a savage Friday and living a lonely life in alone for 28 years. Crusoe has always been a controversial character. Some one appreciates his courage and perseverance, some one criticizes his idea. In fact, all of these are result of Crusoe’s complex personality, which including rebelliousness, restlessness, sense, persistence, optimism, composedness, fortitude, independence and a cheerful philosophy of life, etc. All of them have greatly influences on his behaviors and daily habits and decide his rough road of his life.
Key words: personality, destiny, rebelliousness, persistence
在英国的文学的历史上,鲁滨逊漂流记一直具有传奇的性质。 因为在他年轻的时候,采取几次航行旅途,遇到很多不幸的事故,连续经营甘蔗种植园在巴西,抢救野蛮星期五和过着孤独寂寞的生活28年,于是他离开家。Crusoe一直具有争议的性质。 一些人赞赏他的勇气和坚持不懈,一些人批评他的想法。 实际上,所有这些因素都是Crusoe的复杂个性的结果,包括叛逆、躁动、感觉、坚持、乐观、composedness、刚毅、独立和生活快乐的人生哲学等等。所有这些都极大地影响他的行为和生活习惯并且决定他的生活的粗砺的路。

