

全文字数:14000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


互联网的飞速发展,推动着人类进入了网络经济时代,企业利用Internet有效地开展网络营销活动,寻找新的商机,已成为一种必然选择。作为网络营销最重要的促销手段---网络广告日益成为各企业普遍看好的新型广告媒体。网络广告对传统的媒体造成了巨大的冲击,成为网络经济发展中的新亮点。由于网络广告是一种新生事物,目前发展还很不成熟,本文力图对网络广告进行深入的理论分析,使其能更好的服务于企业的经营活动。本文具体对网络广告未来发展趋势进行全面思考,涉及网络广告的定义、现状,网络广告的独特优点,并结合案例探寻网络广告目前存在的困难及不足,同时探讨网络广告发展中存在的困难的解决方法,最后将预测网络广告未来的发展趋势。关键词(本论文范文的主要论点):网络广告、网络营销 、广告效果Abstract: Rapid development of Internet makes the world enter the era of net-economic.It is inevitable for enterprise to develop the Internet marketing to look for the new chances.As the most important promoting means,Internet advertising makes great impact on the traditional media and becomes a new sparkle of net-economic.Because it is a new-born thing,Internet advertising is still immature, this thesis tries to analyze it deeply so that it can serve the enterprises better. We will summarize the mean and actuality of the network of ads. And analyze the advantages of Network Ads,then connect with cases to discover the hardness of Net work Ads and to find how to final the hardness of Net work Ads.then forecast the trend of the Net work Ads in the future.Keywords:Internet Advertising 、Internet Marketing、The Effect of Advertisement 

