

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘要:商业广告成为当今企业市场拓展的重要工具。但是,由于商业广告的公信力下降,直接影响了商业广告的传播效果、经济效果和社会效果。本文对国内商业广告的公信力现状进行了初步研究,分析了影响商业广告公信力的有关因素,并提出了提高商业广告公信力的相关对策。关 键 词:商业广告、公信力、媒介、信任危机

Advertising interpretation and enhance the credibility of the multi-dimensional approach

Abstract: commercials become an important tool to expand the enterprise market. However, because the credibility of commercial advertising which directly affects the advertising effect of commercial, economic and social effect. In this paper, the credibility of the domestic commercial status of a preliminary study to analyze the impact of commercial credibility of the relevant factors, and proposed to improve the credibility of commercial advertising related countermeasures.

Key words: commercial advertising, credibility, the media, the crisis of confidence

