

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


【摘要】我国是世界上最大的纺织品出口国,纺织服装业是中国具有比较竞争力优势的传统制造企业,为中国创造贸易顺差、解决就业、促进区域经济发展发挥了重要的作用。浙江省是我国纺织品和服装出口的重要省份,但近年来由于人民币持续升值、劳动力和原材料成本上涨等原因,使一大批纺织服装出口企业举步维艰,浙江纺织服装业如何继续保持竞争优势,全面提高产业的国际竞争力,成为一件关乎浙江纺织服装业前途命运的重大课题。本文通过对浙江纺织服装业定性、定量分析,明确产业优劣势,提出提升浙江省纺织服装业国际竞争力的对策。【关键词(本论文范文的主要论点)】纺织服装业;国际竞争力;定性;定量。An analysis of international competitiveness in Zhejiang textile and clothing industryAbstract【ABSTRACT】China is the largest exporter of textile in the world.textile and clothing industry is our traditional manufacturing enterprise with comparative advantage. It plays the key role in creating great trade surplus,solving employment and promoting regional economic development,Zhejiang Province is one of the most important exporting textile areas.In recent years,with the appreciation of RMB,increasing of labor cost and raw material many textile export companies are now in great difficulties,how to maintain comparative and competitive advantage of Zhejiang textile and garment industry become a major issue of its future and destiny.This paper analyses Zhejiang textile and clothing industy with qualitative and quantitative,knowing the advantages and disahvantages of Zhejiang textile and clothing industy,then we try to raise the measures of promoting Zhejiang textilt and clothing industy intern_ ational competitiveness.【KEYWORDS】extile and clothing industry;international competitiveness;qualitative;quantitative。目 录摘 要 II
Abstract III
目 录 IV
1 浙江纺织服装业的现状 1
1.1 浙江纺织服装业的发展现状 1
1.2 浙江纺织服装业的出口现状 1
1.2.1 浙江纺织服装业的出口概况 1
1.2.2 浙江纺织服装业出口特点 2
2 浙江纺织服装业国际竞争力的实证分析 3
2.1 浙江纺织服装业竞争力的定性分析 3
2.1.1 浙江纺织服装业在国内市场中的地位 3
2.1.2 浙江纺织服装产业在全球价值链中的位置 4
2.2 浙江纺织服装业国际竞争力的定量分析 5
2.2.1 国际市场占有率 5
2.2.2 贸易竞争力指数 6
2.2.3 显示比较优势指数 6
3 浙江纺织服装业发展的优劣势分析 8
3.1 浙江纺织服装业发展的优势 8
3.1.1 资源禀赋优势 8
3.1.2 产业集群优势 8
3.1.3 地理区域优势 9
3.2 浙江纺织服装业发展的劣势 9
3.2.1 结构调整跟不上形势变化 9
3.2.2 品牌建设薄弱 10
3.2.3 人民币升值导致成本上升 10
3.2.4 全球金融危机的影响 10
4 提升浙江省纺织服装业国际竞争力的对策 12
4.1 加大技术投入、促进浙江纺织服装业的结构升级 12
4.2 自主创新、大力实施名牌战略 12
4.3 积极扩大内需,提高消费的成熟度 12
4.4 加强政府支持,完善产业政策 13
参考文献 14
致谢 15
附录 16

