

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


农村体育是我国体育的有机组成部分。农村体育有着非常悠久的历史,内容也是丰富多彩,在我国历史的长河中占有一席之地。农村体育的发展与农村社会经济文化的状况是紧密相关的,农村社会经济文化的发展是需要与之相符合的农村体育来对应的。近年来,农民对具有健身、娱乐,又有精神文明和物质文明的体育活动需求日益增加,了解农村的体育状况,需要从实际出发,制定与之相对应的一系列的为农民着想、为农村体育服务的体育政策和措施,减小城市与农村之间的体育差别,促进我国体育以及农村体育事业再上新的台阶。因此,本文对即墨市农村体育进行调查研究,掌握影响即墨市农村体育发展的各项因素,并且提出相对应的对策和建议。附录 1







To JiMoShi rural sports development present situation investigation and analysis
This research through the perspective our country Jimo countryside sports present situation, stressed that the countryside sports the status takes the research the breakthrough point, reverses the countryside sports the backward aspect to take the research the master line, the utilization theory thought that takes the effective remedy, strengthens and consummates countryside sports each work. This article through the literature material law, the questionnaire survey procedure and the mathematical method of average has conducted the research to the Shandong Province Jimo countryside sports present situation. The findings, Jimo farmer physical training consciousness is not strong, participates in the exercise population being few, is low to the sports cognition; The countryside sports location facility condition is bad; The countryside sports' content sole form invests and so on few simply to the sports the subject matter.

Key word:Countryside sports Present;situation;Investigation
目 录

引言 1
第一章研究对象与研究方法 1
1.1研究对象 1
1.2研究方法 1
1.2.1文献资料法 1
1.2.2问卷调查法 1
1.2.3数理统计法 1
第二章结果与分析 1
2.2即墨市农民参加体育锻炼的认知度 2
2.3即墨市农民选择的体育锻炼场所及时间 3
2.4即墨市农民体育活动与城市体育的比较 4
第三章存在的问题 4
3.1即墨市农村体育锻炼意识不强 4
3.2即墨市农村体育场地设施条件差 5
3.3即墨市农村体育活动内容单一、形式简单体育投入少 5
第四章结论建议 5
4.1结论 5
4.2建议 5
4.2.1加强《全民健身计划纲要》宣传工作 增强农民的健身意识 5
4.2.2增加对农村消费投入改善农村体育场地设施的条件 6
4.3.3开展内容丰富,形式多样的体育活动,丰富农民的文化生活 6
参考文献 8
谢辞 9

