

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键词: GIS;发展透视;挑战;前景展望


Current Situation and Prospect of GIS
     With the rapid development of science and technology, GIS industry is developing rapidly, this article is to make up the current state of development to make a GIS analysis, whether foreign or domestic, so that people can clearly understand clearly the current status of GIS development, to find the bottleneck impeding the development of GIS, GIS development challenges, and future development trend of GIS for several decades, so that we can have a clear understanding of GIS, GIS out of the blind pursuit of the  situation.
    Keywords:  GIS; development perspective; Challenge; Prospect

目   录
第一章 引言 1
第二章 GIS的基本概述 6
第三章GIS热门应用领域 10
第四章GIS面临的挑战 17
第五章GIS应用前景展望 21
总  结 29
参考文献 30
谢  辞 31


