

全文字数:18000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



Study on Population Distribution in Binzhou City
    Population distribution is the process to change the nature of human adaptation and development of production, reproduction process of the gradual formation of future generations, which in essence is not a natural phenomenon but a social and economic phenomenon. Therefore, the population distribution is mainly affected by socio-economic factors, especially the people's social production, the level of productivity and production characteristics of the layout. All of these can not be inseparable from the natural environment. At the same time the distribution of population is also affected by historical factors, each time of the population distribution is the inheritance and change of history. In this paper, Binzhou City as the example, through the acquisition of Binzhou demographic data for research analysis, there are the basic characteristics of population distribution of Binzhou City and the problems of population distribution of Binzhou City. Combined with the natural environment of Binzhou City, the economic development level and historical factors on the formation of Binzhou City, there are discussions of the reasons for population distribution. Their recommendations for improvement are proposed to achieve the Population and City's Sustainable Development of Binzhou City.
Key words: population distribution;factors of influence;sustainable development;Binzhou City


目  录
第一章 引 言 1
1.1 研究目的和意义 1
1.1.1 研究目的 1
1.1.2 研究意义 2
1.2研究范围 2
1.3研究方法 2
1.3国内外研究综述 2
第二章 滨州市人口分布的特征与问题 3
2.1滨州市总体概况 3
2.2 滨州市人口分布特征 4
2.3滨州市人口现状存在的问题 5
2.3.1 滨州市人口老龄化 5
2.3.2 滨州市人口分布不均 6
第三章 滨州市人口分布的影响因素 8
3.1自然因素 8
3.1.1 气候 8
3.1.2 土壤 8
3.1.3 水体 9
3.2社会经济条件 9
3.2.1 社会生产方式 9
3.2.2 交通运输业 11
3.3黄河三角洲地区的人口迁移 12
3.4政府引导 14
第四章 对滨州人口与发展的建议 15
4.1应对滨州市人口老龄化的建议 15
4.2应对滨州市人口分布不均的建议 16
第五章 滨州人口的可持续发展 17
5.1滨州人口的适度发展 17
5.2滨州市人口素质的提高和学习型组织的建立 18
5.3滨州人口结构的合理化 19
5.4注重想涵盖人口各侧面的全面性发展 20
5.5关注人口可持续发展本源问题的解决 20
结论  21
参考文献 22
谢 辞  23


