

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




本文从三个不同的视角解读英国著名女作家多丽丝•莱辛(1919- )的第一部作品《青草在歌唱》(1950)。小说以非洲农庄中黑人男仆杀死白人主妇的案件为开端,讲述了女主人公玛丽的悲剧人生,真实地展现了种族隔离制度下的南非现状。通过作者的描写,可以领悟作者对殖民统治下土著人悲惨境地的深切同情。莱辛曾经说过:“我们生活在一所所名为种族,阶级,男性与女性的监狱中。这样的分类总是存在的。”小说揭示了反种族歧视,边缘化问题以及反殖民主义等多个主题。本文试从这三个不同的主题进一步剖析这部世界文学的伟大作品。在殖民统治者的压迫下,小说中土著人的反抗是无言的,徒劳的,他们是处在白人中心的边缘人,《野草在歌唱》的真正内涵实为悲惨的土著在痛苦的哀鸣。


On Multiple-meanings in The Grass Is Singing

Doris Lessing’s (1919- ) first novel The Grass Is Singing (1950) begins with a case on an Africa farm that a black manservant kills his white hostess. By narrating the tragic life of the heroine-Mary, Doris Lessing presented successfully to the readers what the situation of South Africa in the apartheid era was, and revealed multiple subjects such as anti-racism, marginality, anticolonialism and so on. In the novel, Dories Lessing indicates her strong sympathy for the colonized through the examination of the characters and symbols. Lessing once remarked that “we live in a series of prisons called race, class, male and female. In the novel, the natives’ revolt turned out to be voiceless and futile under the oppression of the whites. Thus the real implied meaning of The Grass Is Singing .This thesis is an attempt to deeply analyze this classical literary work from these three different aspects.

Key words: subjects, multiple-meanings, anti-racism, marginality, anticolonialism

