

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



关键字:搜索引擎 文字 图片 眼动

Search Engine Page Results of Eye Movement

Abstract:In this study, college students as subjects, to Web as experimental material, change the search page of information on conditions on the website right column Eye effect. Experiment with 32 undergraduate students were to explore the search page to changethe text right column conditions on the website showing the effect of eye movements. The results showed that: (1) the right column title page showing the different text effects eye movement conditions were significantly different. (2) both face the right-hand column header text pages and not a large bold font size under the condition of the left column of the information on the total fixation time, the number of total observation time and attention more. Insert right-hand column of the page and text-related images on the web whether the eye movement effect. The results showed that: (1) Insert the relevant photo page for the first time look longer and more attention to the frequency and number of observations. (2) Insert the relevant photo attention to the frequency and number of observations. (2) Insert the relevant photo pages look more proportional, and has nothing to do with the insert significantly different picture of the page. Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 combined the results of that change right column advertising information page showing the conditions affecting the processing of information pages.
Key words: search engine,text,image,eye movement


