

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘 要:我国非营利机构在快速发展的同时,正面临着严重的资金问题,生存和发展受到严重的影响,本文通过对长沙慧灵的调查研究,来探究非营利机构所面临的资金问题,认为中国非营利机构要走出资金缺乏的困境,要利用好政府寻求非营利机构合作的意识增强,新时期传播媒介在资金募集方面作用的日益显著等有利条件,同时采取增强社会公信度,拓宽经费来源渠道等措施共同解决困扰非营利机构的资金问题。
    关键词:非营利机构  经费   资金募集  

The Research on Funding and Raising Funds of Non-Profit Organization——A Case of Hui Ling in Changsha
Abstract: The Chinese Non-profit organizations is faceing serious finacial crisis and greatly affected survival, during their rapid development. This thesis intends to the finacial crisis, with which the non-profit organizations is confronted, based on the research of Hui Ling in Changsha. It holds that what the Chinese non-profit organization need to do to survive the finacial crisis, is to make good use of the government's cooperation consciousness with the non-profit organizations in the new times, and take the advantage of the media in collecting capital and other advantageous factors. Meanwhile, they should strengthen the society's generous faith, and broaden the channels of funding sources to solve the capitl problem troubling the non-profit organizations.
Key words: Non-profit organization; case ; raising funds


