

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘 要:豫剧是我国最大的地方戏剧种,桑派代表作《桃花庵》在豫剧中占有重要地位。本文通过对桑派豫剧《桃花庵》的概述,详细分析其经典唱段《九尽春回杏花开》的音乐特点,并试图对《桃花庵》的演唱风格特征进行总结。本选题的研究是对桑派豫剧独特唱腔体系的探讨,为我们进一步了解桑派艺术特征及豫剧唱腔特点,准确把握豫剧演唱风格和表达情感有着积极的指导意义。
关键词:桑派  豫剧  《桃花庵》  演唱风格特征
mulberry pie henan opera has been innovating the peach blossom 《ta-hua-nan》 singing style
——As with the "nine ballad knop spring back to open" as an example
Abstract: Henan opera has been innovating is China's largest DeFangXi operas, mulberry pie masterpiece of peach blossom out in henan opera has been innovating occupies an important position. This article through to mulberry pie henan opera has been innovating the peach blossom out an overview of detailed analysis of its classic ballad, the "nine do spring back to open the music features of a knop and tried to the peach blossom out" singing style characteristics were summarized. This paper studies of mulberry pie henan opera has been innovating unique is studied to songs in the system we further understand mulberry pie artistic characteristics and henan opera has been innovating singing characteristics, an accurate grasp of the henan opera has been innovating singing style and express emotion has positive significance.
Keywords: Mulberry pie  Henan Opera  Peach blossom out  Singing styl

