

全文字数:16000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




【摘 要】歧义现象是包括汉语在内的许多语言中存在的重要的语言现象,从根本上说,它是由客观世界的无限复杂性同语言表达手段的有限性之间的矛盾所造成的。本文从不同角度分析了多种歧义类型及其产生的原因,重点分析了消除歧义的方法。全面深入地了解歧义现象,运用有效的手段对歧义现象进行分化,有助于我们恰当地运用语言,提高语言的表达能力。


On the Types and the Elimination of Chinese Ambiguity

Abstract: Ambiguity is an important linguistic phenomena in many languages including Chinese . Fundamentally speaking, it is caused by the conflicts between the complication of objective reality and the limitation of language expressing styles.The article probes into the forms and reasons for ambiguty from different aspects , elimination ambiguity methods with emphasis. Understanding ambiguity thoroughly comprehensively and utilizing the effective methods to eliminate ambiguity are helpful for us to utilize language appropriately and enhance the power of expression.
Key words:Ambiguity; types; causes; elimination 

