

全文字数:11000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘要: 中印两国都具有非常悠久的历史,而且随着二次世界大战后中华人民共和国和印度的独立,也就是说两国的现代史都差不多。更重要的是,在近几十年间,两国的经济都有了突飞猛进的发展,并且两国幅员辽阔,人口众多,都有希望成为一个真正的大国。但是,中国的崛起和印度的崛起又是如此的不同,无论是从哪个角度看,中印两国是走着不同的道路的,但是结果却是殊途同归,就是实现民族的振兴,国家的富强.我对两国的文化心理内核进行了归纳,并试图通过文化心理来解释两个文明古国的重新崛起。

Abstract: China and India are both the countries with a very long history, and with the foundation of People’s Republic of China and Republic of India, so to say, the both countries has the almost the same modern history. What’s more important, in late decades, the economy of both two have increased sharply. Furthermore, the both two have a very large area and great population, and are supposed to be a truly powerful country. However, the raise of China and the raise of India are so different. In any perspective, China and India are in a different developing way, but the results are the same, which is the revival of the people and the rich of the country. I summary the two countries’ culture core, and try to explain the re-raising of the countries with the way of Culture.

关键词: 中国;印度;传统文化心理;比较

