

全文字数:25000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



一是报道的新闻事件既有社会热点,也有不为人知的普通民众的小事件;二是政治、经济等方面的知识性新闻与轻松活泼、易于引起视听兴趣的新闻的结合;三是揭露性报道与非揭露性报道并举。其次,《冰点》具有独特的写作风格,它包括独特的标题和悬念式开头、平实客观的语言运用,研究认为,对语言的运用主要通过话语权的平衡和丰富的细节描述来体现。最后,《冰点》极具特色的报道风格引起了深刻的社会影响。研究结合《冰点》停刊整顿之前的几篇具有极大社会影响力的文章,深入分析选择的34篇调查性报道,总结了《冰点》造成社会影响的原因,即坚持“喊出自己的声音”、立足启发性并高度整合新闻事件。This paper uses "Freezing Point" weekly magazine of the China Youth Daily as the research object, with its recently published investigative reports as the research sample. It provides a preliminary analysis of the characteristics of the weekly magazine from three aspects: weekly topics, writing style, and the social impact, so as to propose some feasible suggestions to the development of investigative reports in China.
The methodologies in this study are mainly literature analysis and case studies, combined with an analysis of the development of "Freezing Point", especially the characteristics of investigative report of the new “Freezing Point” after its temporary suspension and rectification.
The paper is based on the research about investigative reports at home and abroad. Through a comparative analysis, it suggests some ways for the development of investigative report in China. This paper affirms the positive effect of "Freezing Point" in the development of investigative journalism in our country, and shows the style of the new “freezing point” to the general public, as always.



Key words: Investigative Journalism, Freezing Point, In-depth reports




目   录

第一章   绪论…………………………………………………………………… 2
  第一节   时代孕育的《冰点》周刊…………………………………………………………2
第二节   有关《冰点》周刊的相关研究……………………………………………………3
第三节   研究对象与研究方法………………………………………………………………4
第二章   有关调查性报道的相关文献研究综述……………………………… 5
第一节   调查性报道的起源…………………………………………………………………5
第二节   国内外理论关于调查性报道理论的界说…………………………………………6
第三节   国内外关于调查性报道的实务研究………………………………………………7
第三章  《冰点》周刊的调查性报道研究………………………………………9
第一节   “焦点”“热点”背后的《冰点》周刊…………………………………………  9
第二节    新《冰点》的“破冰之路”……………………………………………………… 11
  广泛的题材选择……………………………………………………………………11
  独特的写作风格……………………………………………………………………17
  深刻的社会影响……………………………………………………………………24
第三节   《冰点》“破冰之路”的启发………………………………………………………28

