

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘    要
我国农村医疗保险是解决“三农”问题的重要步骤, 是完善社会保障制度的一项重要工作,它在农村发展过程中扮演着越来越重要的角色。改革的成效直接关系到广大人民群众的切身利益和社会稳定。政府如何充分发挥其职能,推进医疗保险制度改革进程,意义十分重大。政府在发展农村医疗保险主要存在问题有政府筹资难度大,政策实施缺乏法律规范,医疗卫生配置不合理,农民参与积极性差,因此政府采取了一些相应的对策:建立科学合理的筹资机制,尽快出台相应的法律法规,合理布局卫生资源,鼓励引导农民参与合作医疗。


The Chinese countryside medical insurance is the solution “three agriculture” the question important step, consummates a social security systems' important work, it is playing more and more important role in the rural development process. Reform result direct relation broad masses' vital interest and social stability. How does the government display its function fully, the advancement system of medical care insurance reform process, the significance is very significant. The government is developing the countryside medical insurance main existence question to have the government to finance the difficulty to be big, the policy implementation lacks the legal norm, the health disposes unreasonable, the farmer participates in the enthusiasm being bad, therefore the government has taken some corresponding countermeasures: The establishment science reasonable fund raising mechanism, releases the corresponding laws and regulations as soon as possible, the rational distribution health resources, encourage to guide the farmer to participate in the cooperative medical treatment

Keywords:Government;Rural;Medical insurance

