

全文字数:20000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



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关键词:中国建设银行  住房抵押贷款  资产证券化

Mortgage-Backed Securities is the 20th century the international financial field the most significant one of the financial innovations. At present, the housing mortgage loan securitization varieties and technology development, resulting in the globalization trend. As China's land-use system and the reform of the housing system, Mortgage-Backed Securities was considered China's asset securitization on the question. Implementation of housing mortgage loan securitization to improve the liquidity and broaden the financing channels, decentralized bank risks such advantages. Housing loans through the basic theory, the Construction Bank of housing mortgage securities of the purpose, meaning, and the status of the research. Summed up in the China Construction Bank issued the first domestic housing mortgage securities, Analysis of the implementation of the housing mortgage loan securitization facing legal, credit and market-related barriers, and the number of related measures to enable the construction of housing mortgage loans  securitization towards a more stable and faster direction.


Keywords:China Construction Bank; Mortgage loans; Asset securitization

