

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:我国实行改革开放政策以后,市场经济建立并日趋完善,国内私营企业如雨后春笋般涌现,外资企业也纷至踏来,秘书这一社会职业也因此获得了开启新进程的契机——企业秘书这一群体,以其直接面对市场经济和参与商业运作的形象角色,区别于以直接为国家服务,在政府机关工作为主流的秘书群体。企业秘书工作的重要性不言而喻。任何人要从事一定的社会活动,都不可避免地要与他人发生一定的人际关系。人际关系的好坏直接影响着一个人的工作成败。企业秘书工作具有自身的一些独特性,这些工作特点都客观地影响着他们的人际关系,研究企业秘书工作特点对其人际关系的影响,有利于企业秘书在工作中提高自我意识,扬长避短,更好地服务于企业,也为自身的发展不断创造机会。

Shallow the influences of enterprise secretary’s job characteristics on interpersonal relations
Abstract:  With the reform and opening policies being executed in our country, market economy has been established and is being improved, domestic private enterprises also mushroom and lots of foreign companies come to China for invest. So secretary, this social group, win the new opportunity to develop: enterprise secretaries, with its directly facing the market economy and participating is the business operation, distinguished from the mainstream secretary groups, those work in the government and directly serve our nation. The importance of enterprise secretary’s working is self-evident. Anyone engaged in certain social activity inevitably can’t avoid interpersonal relations. Interpersonal relations will have a direct effect on success and failure to a person’s career. Enterprise secretary’s job has its own uniqueness and the uniqueness objectively affect their interpersonal relations. And then it will be helpful for enterprise secretaries to research the influences of enterprise secretary’s job characteristics on interpersonal relations: improving their self-awareness to play up strengths and avoid weaknesses, in order to better serve enterprise and also create more opportunities for one’s own development.
Key words:Enterprise secretary; Job characteristics; Interpersonal relations; Influence

