

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


 “音乐以审美为核心,主要作用于人的情感世界。”在音乐中要把情感、态度与价值观放在首位突出情感体验。音乐是最善于表现人们的情感,并能引起情感共鸣的艺术形式。情感,是 音乐 教学“情感化”“审美化”的主要标志,音乐是情感的 艺术 。音乐给人情感移入比其它艺术有力得多,能更直接更有力进入人的情感世界,情感在音乐教学过程中是最为活跃的心理因素,既是音乐审美感受的动力。
关键词:声乐  歌唱  情感
Discussed shallowly the vocal music sings the emotion utilization which hits
“Music take esthetic as a core, mainly affects Yu Ren the emotion world.” In music must the emotion, the manner and the values places the first place prominent emotion experience. Music is most is good at displaying people's emotion, and can cause the emotion sympathetic chord artistic form. The emotion, is music teachingthe sentiment influenceexamines thebeautification the main symbol, music is emotion art. Music the emotion moves in for the human other art is much more powerful than, can be powerful enters human's emotion world, the emotion in music teaching process is directly the most active psychological factor, since music esthetic feeling power.
Key word:
The vocal   music sings    the emotion

