

全文字数:7000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


摘要:世界经济一体化、信息技术、生物科技、互联网络加速了全球音乐文化之间的交流,改革开放的进程使得中国大陆的流行音乐得到迅猛的发展。本文以周杰伦的音乐为例子分析流行音乐的现状,希望音乐抄袭和怪异风格繁乱出现的当今流行乐坛里能多出现几首既有艺术含量又有欣赏价值的歌。传统音乐历史悠久,蕴藏丰厚,我们未来的流行音乐要有“鲜明的时代感”,在当前信息社会中要走“民族和流行相结合道路”,把传统音乐文化的精神、特质与流行音乐的时尚相结合 ,希望迎接我们的是拨开乌云重见天日的崭新的流行乐。
关键词:传统音乐 流行音乐 影响 周杰伦
Abstract: The world economic integration, information technology, biotechnology, the Internet has accelerated the global music and cultural exchanges between the reform and opening up the process of making the Chinese mainland pop music by rapid development. Based on Jay Chou's music as an example of pop music's status quo and hope Plagiarism and strange style of music fan chaos emerging in today's pop music scene in the first few appear to have more art appreciation in the value of another song. Traditional music has a long history and abundant reserves, the development of human civilization is a history of the gems, the future of our popular music to have''a distinct sense of the times''in the current information society in the nation to go''of combining road and pop'' , To the spirit of traditional music, pop music and the nature of the integration of fashion, we hope to meet the freed dark clouds sweep aside the new pop.
Key words: impact of traditional music popular music Jay Chou

