

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


 摘要:歌剧《白毛女》是我国最早的一部比较成熟的大型新歌剧。以"旧社会把人逼成鬼,新社会把鬼变成人"为主题,反映在地主阶级的残酷剥削压迫下,农民的苦难生活和反抗,歌颂人民军队发动群众进行斗争取得翻身解放。本剧是在新秧歌运动和秧歌剧创作已有丰实经验的基础上产生的。它的音乐植根于我国民间音乐的基础上,吸收和借鉴了外国歌剧的一些经验,同时有意识地吸取了戏曲音调及其发展手法,使其音乐与戏剧内容紧密结合,具有鲜明的时代特点和民族风格。同时也使我国歌剧创作进入了一个新阶段,对后来的歌剧创作起到了很大的推动作用。 这部歌剧是延安鲁迅艺术学院集体创作剧本,由贺敬之、丁毅执笔,马可、张鲁、瞿维、李焕之、向隅、陈紫、刘炽等作曲。1945年4月,在延安中国共产党第七次代表大会工作上首次演出,并受到观众的热烈欢迎,同时也受到中国共产党中央委员会给予的高度评价。并获1951年度斯大林文学奖金二等奖。
关键词:中国歌剧 白毛女 中国最早的大型新歌剧      
Abstract: The Opera "White-Haired Girl" is China's earliest a more mature major new opera. "The old man forced into ghosts, ghosts into the new society" as the theme, reflected in the brutal exploitation of the landlord class oppression, the suffering of the peasants living and resistance, praises the people's army to mobilize the masses to stand up to the liberation struggle. The drama is in the new Yangge movement and creative drama has been Yangge HSBC is based on the experiences gained from. The music is rooted in China's folk music on the basis of absorbing and drawing on the experience of some foreign opera, and learned a conscious development practices and its tone opera, music and drama to closely integrate the content, with distinct characteristics of the times and the nation Style. Opera also enable China's creation has entered a new phase, the subsequent creation of the opera played a great role in promoting. The opera is the Yan'an Institute of the Arts collective creation of Lu Xun's script, by He Jingzhi, Yi Ding author, Mark, Lu Zhang, Qu Wei, Li Huanzhi, disappointment, Chen Chi, Liu Chi, and other composers. April 1945, the Communist Party of China Yan'an in the seventh congress of the first work performed, and was warmly welcomed by the audience, but also by the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, the highly praised. Stalin and the 1951 annual literary prize second prize.
Key words: China Opera  White-Haired Girl  China's earliest major new opera.

