

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年


[摘 要]:英语阅读教学的实质是培养学生具有从书面语言材料中吸取知识和获取信息的能力。长期以来,阅读教学所沿用的是以教师为主的原则,使学生成为语言知识的消极接受者。显然,仅仅依靠教材和课堂教学提高学生的英语阅读能力是远远不够的。本文着重阐述如何提高学生英语阅读能力的一些对策。如能付之以实践,可极大地提高学生的英语学习水平。
[关键词]:词汇; 教学方法;  阅读能力; 阅读教学
English Reading Ability’s Training and Enhancement in Middle School
[Abstract]:The essence of English reading is to foster a student to have the ability to absorb knowledge and gain information from written material. Since long before the teacher has been considered the leading part in language teaching , and the students only the passive receiver.  Obviously, to raise the students’ reading ability, it’s far from enough only to rely on textbooks and class teaching. This thesis aims to expound how to raise the students’ reading ability and get a good result in the shortest possible time.
[Key words]: vocabulary, teaching method, Reading Ability, reading teaching

