

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要

翻译涉及两种不同的语言和文化, 它不仅是一种语言活动,也是一种跨文化交流活动. 文化影响着译者对翻译策略的选择,这时, 一些棘手的问题出现了: 如何恰当处理外语文献中的文化信息? 在两种文化的交流中如何解决一些文化差异因素?选择何种方法为妥? 译者应选择更靠近源语文化的语言还是更靠近目标语文化的语言进行翻译呢?这些问题引发了归化与异化这两种翻译方式的维护者们经久不息的争论.其实归化与异化在翻译活动中都自有其利弊,不可一概而论.归化的翻译方式能够更好地避免歧异,减少在阅读过程中由于隐含的文化差异所导致的晦涩难懂,增进不同民族读者的相互理解;异化的翻译方式能使译作读者更多地接触异国文化,并通过比较两种不同文化从而更加深刻地了解原文所属文化,达到文化交流的目的.我们可以看出其实两种翻译方式都是围绕读者的感受来讨论的,因为所有译作都必须面对读者,译作所期待的读者的接受能力,理解能力以及感知能力等都应是译者进行翻译时要考虑的重要因素. 所以对不同的读者应采用不同的翻译策略,而只有真正适合读者的译文才是好的译文.

The Application of Domestication and Foreignization in Translation
Translation, involving two different languages and cultures, is not only an inter-lingual activity, but also a cross-cultural communication event. Culture influences translation strategies a translator may employ and then some very important and knotty problems arise: how to deal with cultural messages a foreign text contains, or how does translator handle the cultural elements involved in cultural translation? What are the suitable methods? Should he take a source language culture-oriented approach, or conversely, a target language culture-oriented approach? These questions lead to the debates between domesticating believers and foreignizing backers. Both domestication and foreignization have their advantages and disadvantages in cultural communication. Domestication is said to be able to avoid misrepresentation, to eliminate the potential difficulty in reading and to promote mutual understanding between people of different nations. Foreignization is said to be able to let TL readers get more opportunities to get in touch with the originally foreign culture and customs. By comparing the differences between various cultures, TL readers gain deeper and deeper understanding and comprehension of other cultures and gradually achieve the goal of cross-cultural communication. In fact, we can know from these that all the discussion about domestication and foreignization are made according to readers’ angle. Because every version must confront its readers, the reader’s receptive capability, comprehension and intelligence should be taken into account in translation process. So to different readers, the application of domestication or foreignization is different, and only the version which meets the expectation of readers is a good version.
Key words: culture, domestication, foreignization, reader

