

全文字数:6500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要:声乐的歌唱魅力在于用人声表现人性、抒发人情的直接性,我国传统声乐表演的基本准则是:能歌会演、情韵双绝、声情并茂,要使歌声更加迷人,则要“声” 、“情”俱佳。歌唱者要通过自身素养和对作品进行深入的挖掘后才能表达出声情并茂。因此,作为声乐学习者,应该从多方面的素养来丰富自己,来提高自身文化素养和音乐素养。本文通过声情并茂的内涵和意义及其歌曲演唱中体现声情并茂的策略来进行研究。

关键词:歌曲;  风格;  歌声
The use of extremely rich in Singing

Abstract:The singing of songs to charm with a voice in nature, performance of our traditional direct the performance of the basic criteria are:singing and act,Qingyun Shuangjue, extremely rich, to make the song more attractive,and will have to "sound","Love " is superb.singers through their own qualities and depth of excavation works only after the expression of the extremely rich. Therefore, as a vocal learners, should be from a wide range of literacy to enrich themselves and enhance their cultural literacy and music literacy. In this paper, the meaning and significance of extremely rich and extremely rich Singing strategy embodied in research.
Key words: Song; singing; style
目   录

摘  要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
引  言 2
一、声情并茂在歌曲中的内涵 2
(一)声与情的自身特征 2
(二)声与情的审美特点 3
二、声情并茂在歌唱中的意义 3
三、歌曲演唱中体现声情并茂的策略 4
(一)充分了解作品风格特征 4
(二)准确掌握歌曲的发声 5
(三) 合理平衡“声”“情”在歌曲艺术中的比例关系 6
结  语 7
参考文献 8


