

全文字数:8000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要:钢琴即兴伴奏是一门综合性、实践性很强的学科,无论是弹奏基础好或者弹奏基础差,要想真正地掌握这项能力,也绝非易事。即兴伴奏所需要的音乐信息量是非常大的,它不仅需要熟练地钢琴弹奏能力,也需要和声、配器、作曲方面的知识,还需要对歌曲、器乐乐曲情绪风格的精准把握。钢琴即兴伴奏是一门将钢琴演奏技能与即兴伴奏理论融为一体并非常具有实践性的综合课程,它的重要性是在于学生走上工作岗位后能很快进入角色,是他们从事教学工作的重要辅助手段之一。它需要学生在学习中除掌握好弹奏的技能技巧外,更要具有创作能力、应变能力和良好的弹奏习惯。

Accompaniment of piano improvisation ability of students
Author: Deng Ma Ni  Instructor: Wang Rong Fang

Abstract: Piano Improvisation is a comprehensive, practical subject, whether it is playing good or playing a weak foundation base, the ability to truly grasp, no easy task. Improvised music accompaniment by the amount of information required is very large, it requires not only skilled piano playing ability, but also requires harmony, orchestration, composition knowledge, but also the songs, instrumental music emotion style of the precision grasp. Piano Improvisation is a keeper improvised piano accompaniment skills and integrate theory and very practical integrated curriculum, its importance is that students go to work soon after into the role, is important in teaching them Auxiliary means. It requires students to learn in addition to mastering the skills of playing skills, but also to have the creativity, adaptability and good playing habits。
Key words: piano accompaniment; Learning; Ability
目   录

摘  要 1
关键词 1
Abstract: 1
Key words 1
引  言 2
一、钢琴即兴伴奏的概念 2
二、钢琴即兴伴奏中常见的问题 3
(一)钢琴演奏技巧不够 3
(二)伴奏音型单调缺少变化 3
(三)风格把握不对、层次缺乏安排 3
(四)和声配置方面容易出现的问题 4
三、提高钢琴即兴伴奏能力的有效方法 5
(一)重视基础训练 5
(二)提高调性的概念 5
(三)注意和声正确的配置 6
(四)大量积累丰富的伴奏音型 6
(五)多接触正谱伴奏 7
(六)作品分析能力是设计钢琴即兴伴奏的前提 8
(七)注意歌曲整体的设计 8
四、结论 9
参考文献: 9

