

全文字数:7500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



    摘  要: 本文的主要内容是探讨音乐素养在钢琴学习中的培养,首先了解音乐素养真正的内涵,探索培养学生积极健康的音乐素养的方法和策略,了解音乐素养在钢琴学习中的重要性。其次,提高音乐素养,不仅要重视学生基本功训练,还要注意对学生各方面音乐素质的培养,从而增强学生对音乐的理解能力和表现能力。文章着重从钢琴学习中音乐素养的培养内容上进行论述,包括有乐理、视唱练耳、节奏与速度、作品分析能力及音乐欣赏能力几个方面。

    关键词:音乐素养 钢琴学习 培养与训练

Cultivation of musical accomplishment in the piano study

    Abstract: the main content of this article is to explore music literacy training in the piano study, first of all understand the connotation of musical accomplishment truly, exploration of developing students ' positive music literacy methods and strategies, understand the importance of musical accomplishment in piano learning. Secondly, improving music accomplishment, not only to students ' basic skills training, also note on the various aspects of musical quality of students training to enhance students ' understanding of music and performance ability. Article from piano-oriented discussion on cultivation of musical accomplishment in learning content, including music theory, solfeggio, rhythm and speed, work analysis capacity and ability of music appreciation。
Key words:  music lattainments ;  piano study ; foster

目   录

摘  要 1
关键词 1
Abstract 1
Key words 1
前  言 2
一、音乐素养的含义 2
二、音乐素养在钢琴学习中的重要性 2
三、音乐素养在钢琴学习中培养的内容 3
(一)音乐基本理论知识的培养 3
(二)视唱练耳与节奏、速度的训练 3
(三)作品分析能力的培养 4
(四)音乐欣赏能力的培养 5
四、音乐素养在钢琴学习中培养的途径 6
(一)相关音乐专业课程知识的学习 6
(二)在平时的钢琴学习中注意音乐知识的积累 7
(三)提倡健康的音乐欣赏 8
(四)从相关的艺术中吸取营养 9
结  语 9
主要参考文献 10


