

全文字数:10000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要
《尘埃落定》是藏族作家阿来20世纪90年代的一部优秀之作, 作品以藏族土司的“傻子”儿子独特视角讲述了康巴土司由盛至衰的历史,展示了历史转型时期的世道人心,表现了土司制度从繁荣昌盛到最终的土崩瓦解。小说刻画了那个靠近东方的藏族部落的末代土司及其家族的悲欢离合,塑造了一系列的悲剧人物形象,他们在特定的历史和民族生活环境中演绎着自己的悲剧人生,展示了土司制度下人性的丑恶、宗教的虚伪以及悲剧命运所赋予人们的种种痛苦与不幸。他们的悲剧是命运和制度的悲剧,也是作者自身因素和地方文化的体现。


On the "dust settles" in the tragic figure
"dust settles"is a 20th century Tibetan writer Alai's a best of 90's made, tells the Kamba chieftain from prosperity to decline in the history of profound historical transition period show the hearts of mankind, from the prosperity of the performance of a chieftain systemprosperity to the final collapse.Work a unique perspective about a Tibetan chieftain of the "idiot" son of the legend, through the "fool" the vision to observe and understand the world of strange and mystery chieftain.
    Novel series of tragic characters, in particular the history and national life of the environment with their own interpretation of the tragedy of life, shows the ugly chieftain system of human nature, religious hypocrisy and the people given this tragic fate of all the pain and misfortune, characterize the eastern Tibetan tribes near the last chieftain and his family the joys and sorrows.Their tragedy is a tragedy of fate and the system is on its own factors and reflect local culture.

Key words: "dust settles";Tragedy;Aesthetic;Tusi System;Tibetan Buddhism

