

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年







    In the history of Chinese poetry, Wang Wei is known for describing the natural scenery. Therefore, in the Tang Dynasty poetry, he can be unique, eye-catching, in the literature have an important role in the history of far-reaching impact on future generations, mainly because of his unique achievements in scenic poetry. In fact he is not only good at expressing emotions, was even more in kei. He often put the situation is, we can see he is not a secular settled a feeling of "Zen silence people." His poetry, whether written family, friendship or love poems, love has a language simple, implies, by euphemism, not finish, to the wonderful natural strengths and be able to move the art of spiritual influence readers. Mr. Wang Yaping be summarized as "Love III said the word" that is, emotions, feelings and emotional intelligence. Through the situation, said three of the Wang word ture feelings a further understanding of the formation of re-shaping the image of Wang. Although Wang and we live in different times, but from the emotional reality of situation, to the quiet beauty of the "hidden" life up "feeling" in the "poor are spared, and relief of the world", the alternative, a new "feeling" the road of life and way of life, in order to provide a modern life style, and the area of the world in the spirit of building a "harmonious" with the importance of culture.

Key words: temperament; situation said the three words; harmony; Zen silence Miao people in the situation














目  录

前    言 1页
一  从王维的诗走近“性情”中的王维 1页
(一)亲情 1页
(二)友情 2页
1 送别 2页
2 赠答 3页
3 哀挽 4页
(三)爱情 5页
二  对王维诗中“至情”的再认识 7页
(一)情感——诗人的敏感度 7页
(二)情怀——诗人的包容度 8页
(三)情商——诗人的大智慧 9页
三 “情系”王维对构建和谐文化产生的意义 10页
(一)仕与隐的二难消解 10页
(二)生活与艺术的二难消解 11页
(三)诗与禅的二难消解 12页
结    语 13页
参考文献 14页
致    谢 15页

