

全文字数:12000字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




关键词:秋胡戏妻 ;演变;文化

 The story of Qiuhu’s dallying with his wife from appeared has experienced a lot of year deductive change course, was in all previous dynasties literary production an unfailing subject, has different processing in the different dynasty to this story. this time's Qiuhu’s story were also prominent, had flaunted the Qiuhu’s wife's heroically chaste quality, had the strong ethics morals color;The Wei, Jin and Six Dynasties tend to play down certain of its moral and emotional themes; and continuation of the Tang Dynasty the previous generation of positive emotional needs and to highlight some; Yuan due to the prevalence of popular literature, to make the story more interesting to a more secular direction. Qiuhu by combining with the specific story of poetry and the era of the story to make a simple card, and then explore Qiuhu story behind the socio-psychological and cultural connotations, will help us better interpret related literary works.

Keywords: Qiuhu’s dallying with his wife; variation; cultural

目  录
前言 1页
一  两汉时期的秋胡故事 1页
    (一)刘向《列女传》 1页
    (二)刘歆《西京杂记》 3页
二  魏晋南北朝时期的秋胡故事 4页
三  唐朝时期的秋胡故事 8页
(一)高适《秋胡行》 8页
(二)《秋胡变文》 9页
三  元代的秋胡故事 11页
结  语 13页
参考文献 15页
致  谢 16页








