

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年




摘  要:随着城市的发展,人们生活脚步的加快,社区居民之间的交流也越来越少。“远亲不如近邻”这句古话,却早已失去其本该拥有的意义。而过举办街道趣味运动会,可以让更多的人参与到运动中来,不仅能更好地实践“全民健身”理念,还能加深社区居民之间的认识和了解。同时,以社区为单位,参加街道的运动会,还能更好地加深社区居民的集体感,把社区看成一个大家庭,团结一致,为集体的荣誉而奋斗,又为日后开展各项工作奠定了良好的群众基础和感情基础。

Zhe Lu Interesting Games in Street Plan

Abstract:With the development of the city, people speed up the pace of life, exchanges between community residents less and less. "Dearer than distant relatives and close neighbors" phrase goes, has long lost its meaning the owner of this.Through the organization of the streets Fun Games, to allow more people to participate in the movement to not only better able to practice the "fitness" concept, but also enhance community awareness and understanding among the residents. At the same time so, on the community as a unit, participated in street games, but also to better enhance the collective sense of community, the community as a family, united in the struggle for the collective honor, but also to carry out the work for the future laid a good emotional foundation.
Key words: Street;Games;Planning program

