

全文字数:4500字左右  原创时间:<=2022年



摘  要:鸠兹茶坊是365地产家居网旗下的一个业主社区。本场晚会的策划旨在扩大鸠兹茶坊的影响力,并能够在业界及网友们心中树立一个很好的形象,从而增加相互之间的黏度。另一方面也可以宣传365地产家居网作为一个房地产门户网站的优势。通过晚会还可以加强与业主之间的交流,沟通,建立一个完善、和谐的业主社区。本方案分为三大块。第一部分是全部的活动流程;第二部分就是活动的晚会所需物料清单、活动的经费预算表;第三部分是晚会现场的应急预案,包括注意事项。

Jiuzi Tea House Planning Program in 2011 New Year’s Party

Abstract: Jiuzi tea house is a home network 365, a division of the property owner community. The field event Jiuzi planning aimed at expanding the influence of tea house, and the industry and users are able to establish a good image of the heart, thereby increasing the viscosity of each other. It can also promote home network 365 as a real estate property portal advantage. Through the party and the owners can enhance communication between the communication, the establishment of a sound, harmonious community owners. The program is divided into three large pieces. The first part is all of the activities of the process; the second part is the active party list of materials needed, activities, budget table; third part is the party scene of the emergency plan,including the notes.
Key words: Jiuzi tea house ;New Year’s party ;Program

